Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Recently, I have found that many clients prefer to work in the CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) model. They have heard about CBT from the medical press or recommendations from their own GPs. The foundations of CBT may be traced to the works of early Greek philosophers and the idea that ‘man is not affected by events but by the view he takes of them’ (Epictetus). In other words, the way we interpret experiences and appraise events can have a profound effect upon our emotional responses rather than the event itself. By identifying critical thoughts and beliefs, we gain an understanding of how these might link with feelings and behaviour. Strategies can then be developed to find alternative thinking patterns and new ways of approaching problems.

CBT acknowledges past experiences and events but does not dwell upon them. CBT is a practical therapeutic model which deals with the ‘here and now’. CBT sessions are structured, time bound and goal orientated. Client and therapist work collaboratively to set agendas and agree tasks thus ensuring client time is maximised.

The National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends CBT as an effective treatment for a variety of conditions including: